About Us
What’s up dog people? We’re a group of three dogs and two humans sharing anything and everything dog-related in the city of Austin! From the best dog-friendly places, to dog tips and tricks, to traveling with dogs — we will cover it all!
The Crazy Humans

Now, who actually are we? Well, my name is Melanie, the main human in charge of this blog. By day, I work in social media and marketing, but by night (really early afternoon) I am a full-on dog mom. My husband, Albert, will make a few appearances here and there but mostly he’s a behind-the-scenes kinda guy. And, well, to the part you really came for: the dogs.
Old-Man Cooper

Cooper is a 10ish-year-old Golden Retriever rescue from a small shelter in Nebraska. His favorite things include sleeping, swimming, wagging his tail and begging for pets. He was our first dog and we couldn’t have asked for a better one to get the pack started. His drink of choice? An old fashioned. Or two.
Goofy-Boy Apollo

Apollo is a 4-year-old Great Dane who’s biggest goal in life is to sit in as many laps as humanly possible. He’s 150 lbs of pure love, always wanting to make sure us humans are happy. His favorites include cuddling, drooling, food and kids. He is currently training to be a therapy dog so we can make visits to schools and nursing homes and bring joy to those who need it. His drink of choice? Craft beer (no IPA’s please).
Boss-Girl Brooklyn

Brooklyn is our newest addition and for sure the queen of the house. She is the little-but-mighty 2-year-old Dachshund mix who runs circles around the rest of us. Her favorite things include sleeping on top of Apollo, getting the zoomies and foooooood. Seriously, she eats everything. Her drink of choice? Shots, any and all shots.